North Korean Capitalism

After the Collapse: The Formalization of Market Structures in North Korea, 1994-2010

By | June 09, 2014

With the collapse of the state-run distribution service in North Korea, market trading, selling, and buying became a means of survival. What started then is now an integral and formalized part of economic and social life. Peter Ward’s second review concerns Joung Eun-lee’s article on market development in North Korea from the early 1990s to the present.

Before the Collapse: The Micro-foundations of Marketization in North Korea

By | May 27, 2014

Much Korean-language research about North Korea goes unread in the English-speaking world. In an effort to bridge the divide and make us all whole, Peter Ward embarks on a series of review essays dealing with key Korean research into marketization. The first piece looks at the surprising role of markets in the Kim Il-sung period.

Public-Private Partners: Rethinking North Korean “Command Criminality”

By | May 02, 2014

Sometimes it is possible to forget that among all the narcotics and nuclear weapons, North Korea also engages in licit businesses. Much of it takes place in the country’s near abroad, and during Sino-NK’s recent AKS research trip to Manchuria, Christopher Green took time to think it over.

Vanadium and Socialism: Rare Earth Prospecting, Politics, and History in North Korea

By | April 28, 2014

Behind every cloud there is a silver lining and behind every developmental story in North Korea there is a narrative from Kim Il-sung. Robert Winstanley-Chesters investigates the pre-history of SRE Minerals’ contemporary Rare-Earth gambit.

Yongusil 30: Sheena Greitens on Illicit Activities in North Korea

By | April 17, 2014

The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) recently published a report by Sheena Greitens on North Korea’s illicit business activities. The report expounds on much of Greitens’ earlier work, drawing upon interview material, translations, and the latest in the literature, including work by Sino-NK.