Posts Tagged ‘border security’

Infiltration: Spelunker’s Three Expeditions into North Korea from Dandong

By | April 02, 2012

DISCLAIMER: We here at do not recommend nor do we engage in illegal cross-border travel between China and North Korea. For readers interested in traveling to North Korea (including Rason), we suggest Koryo Tours, a legally authorized and extremely efficient travel agency.  However, because we believe the border region to be an important area […]

China’s North Korean Refugee Problem

By | March 29, 2012

The following piece on China and North Korean refugees comes to us from Sokeel Park, Research and Policy Analyst for LiNK (Liberty in North Korea), a US-based NGO that provides emergency assistance to North Korean refugees. The essay was recently featured on “Speaking Freely” at Asia Times Online, an open forum for guest writers to contribute their opinions on […]

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop – Recent Activity on the Sino-DPRK Frontier (Part 3)

By | March 21, 2012

When the debate about North Korea shifts to outer space, it becomes suddenly easy to overlook the ongoing actions and interactions along the long frontier adjoining China and North Korea.  Jende Huang’s post indicates that, in spite of China’s evident discomfort with North Korea’s recent diplomatic maneuvers, the PRC has in no way relaxed its […]

Going Forward: Continuing the Fight for North Korean Refugees

By | March 20, 2012

Going Forward: Continuing the Fight for North Korean Refugees by Mary Soo Anderson This commentary was originally intended to address the possibility of repatriation for the 31 North Korean refugees reportedly detained in China. Despite China’s well known history of forcibly sending back North Korean defectors caught within its borders, following interviews I conducted with […]

“Modern Day Slavery”: The Plight of North Korean Women in China

By | February 14, 2012

China’s decision to impose a one-child rule upon most families in 1978 has sprung a number of unintended consequences. The imbalance between men and women has created “thirty-million bachelors” and is stirring fears of future social unrest within China. But the consequences of the one-child policy are also beginning to spread beyond the border, and the […]