Posts Tagged ‘Kim Jong-il’

Charisma vs. the Power Grid: Calculating Priorities and Hallucinations in Kim Jong-un’s Speech

By | January 03, 2013

Facing dysfunction in the nation’s power grid, Roger Cavazos (Nautilus Institute) and Adam Cathcart explore the gap between Kim Jong-un’s charismatic message and the low wattage of reality.

The Passing of Kim Jong-il: North Korea Still Mired in “Charismatic Politics”

By | December 17, 2012

Charisma is hard to obtain and harder to retain. It is also ephemeral. Kim Jong-un wants it, has some, but needs more. Roger Cavazos starts watching the sky in the first of our anniversary extravaganza.

Kwangmyŏngsŏng-3 and Beyond – Narrative and Legitimative Power of the DPRK in the Space Race

By | December 14, 2012

If you had just put a satellite into space, what would you do with it? Channeling Sputnik and ignoring the geopolitical furore completely, Robert Winstanley-Chesters contemplates.

The Four Horsemen of the DPRK

By | December 13, 2012

Why was Kim Jong Un’s sister suddenly in the public eye last month? And what was that equestrian episode all about? Roger Cavazos revisits the role of the horse in North Korean power structures, diplomacy, and iconography.

The Kim Han-Sol Interview: Connecting the Dots

By | November 03, 2012

In the second part of the “SinoNK Han-sol Interview Debate,” Roger Cavazos presents his interpretation of the Kim Han-sol interview, providing readers with an alternative perspective on the young man’s words.