Author Archive

The Red Genetics of Yanbian: New Research on Party Policy and Chosunjok Identity

By | July 08, 2022

How pivotal was Deng Xiaoping’s legacy for ethnic Koreans in China? Adam Cathcart reads some recent scholarship and Chinese materials to find out.

Trade Tremors and Citizen Controls in Dandong

By | June 19, 2022

Parts of China’s main hub for trade with North Korea remain locked down. Sino-NK takes a look at some of the recent data.

Discovering Patriotic History near China’s Korean Border

By | June 17, 2022

What happens when the CCP locates debris from the World War II era in China’s northeastern border region? Patriotic education and reflections on a useable past.

Review: Mirrorlands: Russia, China, and Journeys In Between by Ed Pulford

By | May 12, 2022

Across the length and breadth of the Sino-Russian border, Ed Pulford discusses continuity and change in this oft-overlooked corner of the world, providing insight on the state of relations between these two countries in years -past and decades to come.

Frozen Spring: Sino-Korean Diplomacy in 2022

By | May 07, 2022

Will 2022 bring more extensive diplomacy between China and the Koreas, or a new round of disputes and disconnections? This short essay reviews the terrain.