Sino-US Relations

Yongusil 35: Qualitative Inquiry from Pyongyang to the Illinois Prairie

By | May 17, 2014

The 10th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, starting May 21, will cover a number of analytic bases, from conceptions of Utopia in American children’s literature to Chinese governmentality and Koreatown’s place in transnational urbanization. Sino-NK recaps the forthcoming event.

North Korean Missiles and Chinese Passenger Aircraft

By | March 12, 2014

A North Korean missile narrowly misses a Chinese passenger jet and an open rift is revealed. Read the full translation and analysis of PLA General Wang Hongguang’s op-ed, all by Sino-NK’s chief editor.

Rhetorical Arsenal or Honest Rapprochement: China’s Taiwan Policy and Korean Reunification

By | May 27, 2013

Writing from Kaohsiong, Mycal Ford examines the complications and lessons of Taiwan-mainland ties for Korean reunification.

The Golden Age Is Over: Stacking Up Borderlands Sources in Dandong

By | April 30, 2013

Are dozens of Chinese capitalists really camping out in Pyongyang, trying to get their money back? Adam Cathcart translates and goes back to the future to find out.

No More Firewall: Qiao Xinsheng on the DPRK’s Militant Isolation

By | February 17, 2013

The Chinese debate over North Korea’s strategic position continues. One academic from Wuhan pointedly suggests that North Korea has long ceased to be an asset, and should not involve China in a regional war.