Kim Jong-un

“Nightmare Investment”: Documenting North Korea’s Abuse of the Haicheng Xiyang Group

By | August 15, 2012

Adam Cathcart documents and analyzes accusations of wholesale North Korean theft from and violence toward their Chinese counterparts in the mining industry.

Style or Substance? Kim Jong-un’s Personality Cult and Reform in North Korea

By | August 10, 2012

Sabine van Ameijden (Department of War Studies, King’s College, London) revisits the DPRK’s reforms of 2002, looks at Rason, and asks what standards need to be used to assess the depth of North Korean assertions of reform.

Songun Mini-Skirt: Ri Sol-ju, the Moranbong Band, and North Korean Fashion Norms

By | August 09, 2012

Considering the Moranbong Band performance as a kind of promise to the women of Pyongyang: material prosperity is around the corner in the form of jewelry, short skirts, and high-heels.

Reviewing “The Flower Girl”: DPRK Sea of Blood Opera Troupe on Tour in China

By | August 09, 2012

Wither Kim Jong-il’s cultural influence in North Korea? Adam Cathcart reviews a performance of North Korean opera in Sichuan.

An “Honest Mistake” and “DPRK Successes in the Olympiad”: A Midway Review of North Korean Results and Affairs in the London Games

By | August 01, 2012

“Some evil-minded foreign media asserted that the DPRK would take only one silver medal…”