Never Mind the North: Legacy Politics in the ROK

By | September 17, 2013

Thanks to the classic text “Beyond Charismatic Politics,” legacy politics in North Korea has entered the analytical lexicon in a big way. However, less well understood is the role of legacy in South Korea. Christopher Green investigates.

Charismatic Environs: From Local Landscape to National Landschaft

By | September 05, 2013

As this sweeping essay illustrates, Kim Jong-un’s obsession with turf and landscape, far from being gratuitous, is in fact part of the North Korean leadership’s art of imbuing the very land of the DPRK with charismatic qualities.

Domain Consensus: Engaging the Delury Argument on North Korean Reform

By | June 29, 2013

To what extent does Kim Jong-un need to be perceived as “legitimate” by the North Korean people in order to advance his agenda? And is economic reform his ticket to ultimate stability? Delving into recent arguments by John Delury, Sino-NK tries to find out.

The Significance of the Unusual: Removing “Reformist” Illusions in Reading North Korean Media

By | June 29, 2013

Shirley Lee arrives with a unique reading of Kim Jong-un and Pak Pong-ju’s visits to non-military sites in the DPRK, warning that they have very little to do with ostensible reforms.

Skiing in Choppy Waters: North Korea Lays Out the Pyeongchang Hustle

By | May 28, 2013

The North Korean Army is building a ski resort at Masik Pass. Christopher Green explains the significance and possible reasons behind North Korea’s decision to “go for the gold.”