Archive for March, 2012:

Kim Song-nam and Jon Hui Jong: North Korea’s éminence grise for China?

By | March 06, 2012

With the publication of the most successful revised dissertation in recent memory, Patrick McEachern’s Inside the Red Box, institutionally-oriented analyses are back in vogue when it comes to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. However, the weight and activities of some personalities still matter very much more than others in the DPRK, and Nicolas Levi’s […]

What Next for the DPRK Fusion Claim?

By | March 05, 2012

What Next for the DPRK Fusion Claim? by Jende Huang As discussed yesterday in a post by Sino-NK’s editor, an author writing in the German newspaper Die Welt is claiming that the DPRK performed a nuclear test for the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. The claim, made by a former German defense official, can be […]

Information Fallout: Tracing Implications that North Korea Tested Nuclear Weapons for Iran

By | March 04, 2012

If you are like the editors of this website, you, dear reader, are probably wondering: “Did North Korea really test a nuclear weapon for the Iranians?” The assertion, as this type tends to be, is delivered at an exquisite moment of ferment: We are at the outset of the first discernable thaw in US-DPRK relations […]


By | March 04, 2012

…and the KCNA response to recent defector-centered media narratives.

The Northeastern History Project and the Battle for the Past

By | March 03, 2012

Ji’an is a small city on the upper reaches of the Yalu River whose claim to fame is twofold: it has a bridge to the DPRK (Manp’o) which functioned as the main switching-point for China’s intervention in the Korean War, and it has ancient monuments. The latter are profuse, encountered as a layering on of […]