Amsterdam University Press

China’s Ground Game in Dandong and North Korea

By | January 27, 2024

As Sino-North Korean bilateral relations intensify, Adam Cathcart looks at China’s ground game in Pyongyang and Dandong, with a focus on business.

Discovering Patriotic History near China’s Korean Border

By | June 17, 2022

What happens when the CCP locates debris from the World War II era in China’s northeastern border region? Patriotic education and reflections on a useable past.

Yongusil 102: Borderland Readings of Note

By | September 10, 2021

Adam Cathcart returns to the pages of Sino-NK with a timely overview of some of the more intriguing and recent scholarly contributions on the Sino-Korean border region.

The Manchurian Myth: History and Power in North Korea

By and | June 17, 2020

As the smoke clears from Kaesong and succession talk swirls around Kim Yo-jong, Sino-NK revisits one of the key foundations of North Korean history education.

Yongusil 94: Decoding the Sino-North Korean Borderlands

By , and | July 09, 2018

Sino-NK senior editors are excited to announce we have been working with Amsterdam University Press on an edited volume dealing with the issues and contradictions of the PRC-DPRK border. Our aim is to bring migration and economic issues into holistic dialogue. Here, we briefly introduce the project.