Cross-border Business Ties

Introducing Tongsin | 통신

By | January 24, 2014

Introducing Tongsin | 통신: data and analysis of the North Korean state media reports on the subject of China. This debut issue examines the North Korean emphasis on an independent and growing DPRK economy in the months preceding the Jang Song-taek purge.

Special Economic Zones after the Purge

By | December 30, 2013

A Sino-NK trio translates an early PRC response to the Jang Sung-taek purge, revealing data about the new Onsung Special Economic Zone and the desire of both sides to retain a veneer of normalcy in the Chinese-North Korean trade relationship.

Blind Legacy: Jang Sung-taek and North Korea’s Invisible Cross-Border Bridge

By | December 09, 2013

The bridge between Dandong and Sinuiju is pregnant with economic potential, nearly complete, and in a very real sense associated with newly unmasked “counter-revolutionary” Jang Sung-taek. Revisiting a recent essay for The Daily NK, Chief Editor Adam Cathcart investigates.

Plus ça change: Getting China to Enforce Sanctions on North Korea

By | July 21, 2013

Maybe China is now talking the talk on enforcing sanctions resolutions against North Korea, but is it walking the walk? In a new piece taken from the Yonsei Journal of International Studies, analysts Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga and Jenny Jun address the thorny topic of Chinese enforcement of a sanctions system that it willingly signed up to.

The Golden Age Is Over: Stacking Up Borderlands Sources in Dandong

By | April 30, 2013

Are dozens of Chinese capitalists really camping out in Pyongyang, trying to get their money back? Adam Cathcart translates and goes back to the future to find out.