
Zhang Liangui: North Korea Will Conduct a Third Nuclear Test This Year

By | January 30, 2013

Is a third North Korean nuclear test inevitable? China’s top DPRK experts seem to think so. A SinoNK exclusive, with translation and analysis by Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga in Beijing.

Report: Foreigners Not Allowed to Bring Cell Phones to Sinuiju [Updated]

By | January 22, 2013

North Korea’s liberalization of cell phone use for foreigners is limited to Pyongyang and Mt. Myohyang, says a Chinese media report.

Charisma vs. the Power Grid: Calculating Priorities and Hallucinations in Kim Jong-un’s Speech

By | January 03, 2013

Facing dysfunction in the nation’s power grid, Roger Cavazos (Nautilus Institute) and Adam Cathcart explore the gap between Kim Jong-un’s charismatic message and the low wattage of reality.

From Unha to Shahab: Contextualizing Notions of Iranian Help with North Korea’s Missile Launch

By | January 02, 2013

Jende Huang (Monterey Institute) looks at the Pyongyang-Beijing-Tehran triangle against the backdrop of North Korea’s quick missile success. Intro by Roger Cavazos.

Red Glare: Chinese Responses to the DPRK’s Launch

By | December 18, 2012

Chinese-language responses to the North Korean missile launch were protean; our team of Cathcart/Cavazos/Beauchamp summarizes 21 such stories, with graphics galore.