Posts Tagged ‘Kim Il-sung’

“Be Prepared!” Reflections On The North Korean Children’s Union

By | June 13, 2013

Looking at the structure, ritual, and uniforms at last week’s congress for the Korean Children’s Union (KCU), Christopher Richardson, doctoral candidate at the University of Sydney, delves into the renewed significance of the Children’s Union just as the nation marches onward in the second year under the young leader.

Charisma vs. the Power Grid: Calculating Priorities and Hallucinations in Kim Jong-un’s Speech

By | January 03, 2013

Facing dysfunction in the nation’s power grid, Roger Cavazos (Nautilus Institute) and Adam Cathcart explore the gap between Kim Jong-un’s charismatic message and the low wattage of reality.

The Passing of Kim Jong-il: North Korea Still Mired in “Charismatic Politics”

By | December 17, 2012

Charisma is hard to obtain and harder to retain. It is also ephemeral. Kim Jong-un wants it, has some, but needs more. Roger Cavazos starts watching the sky in the first of our anniversary extravaganza.

The Four Horsemen of the DPRK

By | December 13, 2012

Why was Kim Jong Un’s sister suddenly in the public eye last month? And what was that equestrian episode all about? Roger Cavazos revisits the role of the horse in North Korean power structures, diplomacy, and iconography.

Reappraising Chinese-Korean Relations in the Wake of June 25

By | June 24, 2012

Reappraising Chinese-Korean Relations in the Wake of June 25 by Charles Kraus In anticipation of the upcoming 62nd anniversary of June 25, a  date which is commonly known as the “start” of the Korean War, the North Korea International Documentation Project (NKIDP) prepared for release the translation of 34 Chinese documents from Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since […]