Author Archive
THAAD and the Great Power Context: Russia’s Regional Interests in Korea
Taking his cue from Henry Kissinger, Anthony Rinna analyzes the THAAD question from the Russian perspective, viewing the Putin government’s opposition to THAAD deployment in the context of overlapping global and regional aspirations.
Yongusil 89: One River, Three States in Asian Perspective Special Issue
This autumn saw the journal Asian Perspective bring together five authors for a transnational investigation of issues confronting the DPRK-PRC-Russia border region. The journal special issue was guided by guest editor Park Hyun-gwi of Cambridge University. Anthony Rinna takes a look inside.
From One Leader to Another, by Way of a Third: Putin’s Gift to Park Geun-hye
Vladimir Putin recently gave a piece of calligraphy by former President Park Chung-hee to Park’s daughter, incumbent ROK President Park Geun-hye. Returning with a new Jangmadang, Anthony Rinna looks at the protagonist and his gift through the lens of the Russian media.
Pyongyang on the Neva: A North Korean Defection in Russia
Global reports imply a spate of intriguing North Korean defections in recent weeks and months. In one instance, a trade representative fled (or so it is said) for Belarus. Taking the Russian media as his evidence, Anthony Rinna investigates.
Same Problem, Different Angles: Japan and South Korea’s Divergent Approaches to Cooperation with Russia
Russia’s comparatively hardline approach to North Korea in 2016 serves to highlight the generally pragmatic nature of interstate relations in Northeast Asia, argues Tony Rinna, Sino-NK’s Russia and Eurasia Analyst.