Author Archive

Yongusil 14: “War of Words” at Leiden University: Manchuria and Historiography in Modern South Korea

By | October 24, 2013

The last in our triology focused on Professor Remco Breuker’s “War of Words” project at the University of Leiden, Steven Denney considers the bounds and binding of Manchuria/Manchukuo to current South Korean politics.

Defector Testimonies in a Polarized Society: From Implausible Story to Political Controversy

By and | October 15, 2013

Nothing looms larger in the rear view mirror of South Korea’s democratic legacy than the South Jeolla Province city of Gwangju and the events that took place there in May 1980. That same democratization narrative was again abused in May 2013, this time along with some defector testimony of a most curious disposition.

Data Suggests Ethno-nationalism on Decline

By | September 17, 2013

In a country as politicized, regionalized and fast-paced as South Korea, differences of opinion on North Korea are bound to be both large and hard to reconcile. Steven Denney brings us the latest opinion poll data.

His “Other” Legacy: Kenneth Waltz’s Defense of Nuclear Proliferation

By | May 21, 2013

How will Kenneth Waltz be remembered? As far as North Korea is concerned, Waltz’s legacy is all it needs to justify its possession of nuclear weapons, argues Steven Denney.

Charismatic Politics of Another Sort: Personality Politics in South Korea

By | May 04, 2013

In unconsolidated democracies with weak party institutions, charismatic political figures have a disproportionately higher level of influence compared to consolidated democracies. Ahn Cheol-soo is one such figure. Steven Denney explains.