Author Archive

Yongusil 72: The End of Ethnic Nationalism? A Review

By and | August 10, 2015

Change is afoot within the national conscious of the (South) Korean body politic. Sino-NK’s Steven Denney and Christopher Green review the latest piece of scholarship devoted to explaining the latest changes and variations in Korean nationhood and nationalism.

The Economics of Identity Change in South Korea

By | June 19, 2015

A demographic revolution has brought about manifold economic and political changes in South Korea over the last few decades, and might even be changing the way South Koreans think about the “nation.” Steven Denney reviews some of the relevant literature and talks with an agent of social change.

Grist to the Mill of South Korea’s Changing Values

By | May 04, 2015

Like everything else in South Korea, attitudes and values are undergoing change. Steven Denney contextualizes and translates.

South Korea as (Sub)Empire: Workers, Immigration, and Racialized Hierarchy

By | April 01, 2015

Survey data reported in a recent segment of “Exploration Plus” at JTBC show that most South Koreans are not exactly comfortable with all foreigners in the country. Steven Denney translates and analyzes.

Yongusil 61: Precarity and Neoliberal Normalization of Single Women in Korea

By | March 20, 2015

Professor Jesook Song talked about women’s precarity in post-revolutionary affect in South Korea during a book launch at the Workers’ Action Center in Toronto. Steven Denney summarizes.