Author Archive

Yongusil 101: South Korea between Russia-US Great Power Tensions

By | October 30, 2020

South Korea does not face the same vulnerability toward Russia that it does toward China, but this in no way means South Korean foreign policy will go completely unaffected by the Russia-US rivalry.

Yongusil 100: Mongolia and the Korean Security Crisis

By | June 29, 2020

The key factor in the success or failure of Mongolia’s Korea strategy is the extent to which others value Ulaanbaatar’s neutrality. As Anthony Rinna writes in his latest publication, the task for Ulaanbaatar is to maintain its relevance.

Yongusil 98: Moscow and the Dilemma of Regional Development versus North Korea Sanctions

By | September 30, 2019

Russia’s North Korea policy involves a trade-off: refusal to support UN sanctions hurts Russia internationally, but supporting sanctions damages growth prospects in the country’s easternmost regions. Anthony Rinna covers this dilemma in Asian Studies International Review.

Yongusil 97: On the Academic Misconduct of Charles Armstrong, and Sino-NK’s 2013 Roundtable

By | September 25, 2019

With the field of Korean Studies (hopefully) chastened by the exposure of Charles Armstrong’s misconduct, Sino-NK reflects on the case and our role in it.