Sino-NK 2013 Rewind: Sepho and the “Quiet Charisma” of Grassland Reclamation
Robert Winstanley-Chesters kicks off our month of analytical consideration and review, the Sino-NK 2013 Rewind, analysing developmental approach in North Korea during 2013 and the “quiet charisma” of Sepho’s grasslands.
Armilliara and Sunshine: From Kim Jong-il’s Fungal Diplomacy to the Mushroom Institute of Pyongyang
Robert Winstanley-Chesters follows the trail of North Korean charismatic politics deep into the developmental realm, from fungus’ place under the Sunshine policy to the recently rebuilt Central Mushroom Institute.
Premonitions of a Disaster: Seeds of Ecological Collapse and Germination of Plans for Intensive Industrial Agriculture
In an exciting new essay, the author of the vibrant and informative DPRK Food Policy Blog, Yong Kwon examines issues of food security and seeks out the root causes of North Korea’s failure to feed itself down the years.