Amsterdam University Press
China’s Ground Game in Dandong and North Korea
As Sino-North Korean bilateral relations intensify, Adam Cathcart looks at China’s ground game in Pyongyang and Dandong, with a focus on business.
Discovering Patriotic History near China’s Korean Border
What happens when the CCP locates debris from the World War II era in China’s northeastern border region? Patriotic education and reflections on a useable past.
Yongusil 102: Borderland Readings of Note
Adam Cathcart returns to the pages of Sino-NK with a timely overview of some of the more intriguing and recent scholarly contributions on the Sino-Korean border region.
The Manchurian Myth: History and Power in North Korea
As the smoke clears from Kaesong and succession talk swirls around Kim Yo-jong, Sino-NK revisits one of the key foundations of North Korean history education.
Yongusil 94: Decoding the Sino-North Korean Borderlands
Sino-NK senior editors are excited to announce we have been working with Amsterdam University Press on an edited volume dealing with the issues and contradictions of the PRC-DPRK border. Our aim is to bring migration and economic issues into holistic dialogue. Here, we briefly introduce the project.