Chinese Foreign Relations

Media Fugue: Rounding Up the Rocket Op-Eds

By | April 09, 2012

Media Fugue: Rounding Up the Rocket Op-Eds by Adam Cathcart The news cycles as regards North Korea seem to be doubling and redoubling their speed lately, the way that certain German Baroque composers can still surprise you with a huge burst of post-fantasia imitative counterpoint. Fortunately, a foray onto the Twitterwebs (where @Sino_NK has an […]

Acuto, Strategic Distrust and the Pivot: Weekly Digest

By | April 07, 2012

When it comes to North Korea and Northeast Asian security issues, analysis spilling from the pens of Western academics tends to focus on American decision makers and United States grand strategy in the region.  In this weekly digest installment, SinoNK focuses on three recent publications that deal with, in in some form or another, a […]

The Ideational Balance of Power: KCNA File No. 13

By | April 01, 2012

Click here to view KNCA File No. 13 (March 4 – March 10) in its entirety. Although Americans may be emphasizing values and the importance of ideational issues in an era of declining American power following two costly wars and an economic crisis, KCNA File No. 13 reminds our readers from North America and Europe that the ideational […]