DPRK-Soviet Relations
Yongusil 98: Moscow and the Dilemma of Regional Development versus North Korea Sanctions
Russia’s North Korea policy involves a trade-off: refusal to support UN sanctions hurts Russia internationally, but supporting sanctions damages growth prospects in the country’s easternmost regions. Anthony Rinna covers this dilemma in Asian Studies International Review.
The Russian Sanctions Policy: Reflecting the Long View
It makes little sense for Russia to divest itself of economic ties to the northern half of Korea at the request of the United States. What Putin and his government fear is that new sanctions will cut Russia off from having a presence in a reunified Korea. Anthony Rinna looks at Russia’s long game.
Targeting North Korea, Scratching Russia: HR 1644
Russia’s economic interactions with North Korea are attracting the attention of the United States. In May, a bill emerged from the US House of Representatives that targets labor exports and the activities of North Korean vessels using third-country (including Russian) ports. Russia is not pleased. Anthony Rinna investigates.
THAAD and the Great Power Context III: The Quiet Exception in Russian Geopolitics
Continuing his analysis of Russia’s position on THAAD from a regional security perspective, Anthony Rinna seeks to extrapolate some of the economic and geopolitical issues lying behind the THAAD factor in Russia-South Korea bilateral relations.
THAAD and the Great Power Context: Russia’s Regional Interests in Korea
Taking his cue from Henry Kissinger, Anthony Rinna analyzes the THAAD question from the Russian perspective, viewing the Putin government’s opposition to THAAD deployment in the context of overlapping global and regional aspirations.