Environmental Issues

Yongusil 102: Borderland Readings of Note

By | September 10, 2021

Adam Cathcart returns to the pages of Sino-NK with a timely overview of some of the more intriguing and recent scholarly contributions on the Sino-Korean border region.

Returning to the Courtyard: Rescaling Charismatic Landscapes in North Korea

By | July 27, 2015

Robert Winstanley-Chesters considers how human and critical geographies can be used as vectors for analysis of the viability of North Korea’s political landscapes.

Private Plots and “Water Shaming” in Yanbian

By | June 19, 2015

Just across the border from North Korea, water issues around private vegetable plots are causing friction among local residents and government officials. Adam Cathcart translates.

Cultures of Critique: Kim Jong-un on North Korean Deforestation

By | June 08, 2015

Kim Jong-un’s recent rhetoric lamented the deforestation of the North Korean landscape; Sino-NK assesses the challenges and possibilities for innovation.

Yongusil 58: Benjamin Habib: Building a Literature of North Korean engagement with the UNFCCC

By | February 27, 2015

Following its minimal attendance at recent COP meetings of the UNFCCC, North Korea’s concerns and aspirations surrounding climate change are unclear. Benjamin Habib’s new article for Pacific Affairs seeks to determine causality and assess future intention.