
Yongusil 20: Guinness and Kimchi: EURKOREA 2013 at Trinity College Dublin

By | November 29, 2013

Sino-NK’s first Junior Fellow Byul Ryan-im describes a recent encounter between a former Celtic tiger and the potentialities offered by the Korean Peninsula at Trinity College Dublin’s EURKOREA 2013 event.

Yongusil 19: Gleason, Draudt, and Denney and “New World Disorder” at the Asan Institute

By | November 25, 2013

Yongusil 19 looks back to the first half of 2013 and Brian Gleason, Darcie Draudt and Steven Denneys’ appearance at the ASAN Plenum, rising star of the ROK’s think tank ecosystem.

Yongusil 17: One Dream, Three Nations: Adam Cathcart on “Double Defectors” at the 2013 Korea-UK Forum on the Peaceful Unification of Korea

By | November 17, 2013

Following ROK President Park Geun-hye’s succesful and unifying visit to London and Buckingham Palace, our Editor in Chief Adam Cathcart appears in London at the 2013 Korea-UK Forum on the Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula.

Yongusil 16: Conceptual Transfer and the Nordic Model–Robert Winstanley-Chesters at the Nordic NIAS Conference

By | November 04, 2013

Robert Winstanley-Chesters heads for the border spaces of southern Jyyland and the 7th NIAS Nordic Council to deliver a paper focused on the transfer of environmental concepts between Europe and North Korea

Yongusil 15: Moranbong in Michigan–Sherri L.Ter Molen at the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs

By | October 25, 2013

The travails of the recent re-emerged Moranbong Band and the Unhasu Orchestra have been hot news recently, an apposite time therefore for Sherri L Ter-Molen’s appearance in East Lancing, Michigan where she will consider the Moranbong’s cultural acceptability in North America.