
Yongusil 56: Building Domain Consensus Through Narrative

By | January 12, 2015

The first Yongusil of 2015 encounters a reconceptualization of the bounds, nature, and possibility of “domain consensus” and its deployment in recent analysis of North Korea in the Review of Korean Studies.

Yongusil 47: Tailored Engagement, a Stanford Solution

By | September 29, 2014

A team of Stanford University scholars of Korea policy have made a plethora of suggestions to the ROK National Assembly. Sino-NK takes a critical look.

Yongusil 41: KCNA Watch, Reboot

By | June 27, 2014

For a number of years, the website NK News has been trying to monetize news about North Korea, traditionally an unattractive subject of inquiry. One key plank in their strategy is KCNAWatch, an aggregator and analyzer of North Korean media content. Sino-NK looks at a recent site upgrade.

Yongusil 24: “Pockets of Efficiency,” Taking a Developmental Approach to North Korea

By | January 17, 2014

Two intriguing Sino-NK related articles on North Korean developmental approach post-Jang have appeared in the venerable BAKS Papers. While one focuses on “pockets of efficiency” and the other on futurological possibility, both are fascinating.

Yongusil 22: Record Group 242

By | December 18, 2013

After reading Dr. Suzy Kim’s fascinating work, where exactly can one encounter the revolutionary everyday? Ben Young investigates primary source Record Group 242.