Kim Jong-suk
When the Bomb Goes Boom: Gauging China’s Policy Responses
We have been tracking likely Chinese reactions to a North Korean test for the past two months. We capture official and un-official reactions. How were our predictions? Pretty good.
The Passing of Kim Jong-il: North Korea Still Mired in “Charismatic Politics”
Charisma is hard to obtain and harder to retain. It is also ephemeral. Kim Jong-un wants it, has some, but needs more. Roger Cavazos starts watching the sky in the first of our anniversary extravaganza.
The Four Horsemen of the DPRK
Why was Kim Jong Un’s sister suddenly in the public eye last month? And what was that equestrian episode all about? Roger Cavazos revisits the role of the horse in North Korean power structures, diplomacy, and iconography.
Prostitution, Abortion, and ‘Flower Girls’: Women in Hyesan
A look at the politics of reproduction and sexuality in Hyesan, North Korea’s fourth largest city, a gray metropolis which sprawls along the banks of the shallow Yalu river across from the Chinese city of Changbai.
Stable Transition or Fumbling Majesty? : When Kim Jong Un Met the Chinese VP, in collaboration with NK Leadership Watch, is currently concluding a major investigation of North Korea’s relations with China in the last two months of Kim Jong Il’s life. This process will culminate with the release of a substantial database and analysis, which we are including as third in a series of China-North Korea Dossiers. […]