Yongusil 98: Moscow and the Dilemma of Regional Development versus North Korea Sanctions
Russia’s North Korea policy involves a trade-off: refusal to support UN sanctions hurts Russia internationally, but supporting sanctions damages growth prospects in the country’s easternmost regions. Anthony Rinna covers this dilemma in Asian Studies International Review.
Yongusil 97: On the Academic Misconduct of Charles Armstrong, and Sino-NK’s 2013 Roundtable
With the field of Korean Studies (hopefully) chastened by the exposure of Charles Armstrong’s misconduct, Sino-NK reflects on the case and our role in it.
Yongusil 96: Russia, South Korea and the New Northern Policy
It is common for Seoul to have a special program dedicated to solidifying economic ties with Russia. But as Anthony Rinna writes in a new paper for the Journal of Eurasian Studies, several factors are set to hinder success once again.
New Values and Old Orders: Where do North Koreans Fit in the New South Korea?
A new report by Steven Denney, Christopher Green, and Peter Ward explores native South Koreans’ attitudes towards defector-migrants and other prospective immigrants. A launch event with Leiden Asia Centre follows on Thursday 16 May.
North Korean Markets and the High Seas: A Review of Justin Hastings’ “A Most Enterprising Country”
Is North Korea ready to radically expand its interactions with the international trading system? According to one scholar, it already has.