“Protecting North Korea’s Freedom of Choice”: Huanqiu Shibao Lead Editorial

By | December 20, 2011

Here is the full text of today’s (December 20) Huanqiu Shibao editorial about China’s outlook on the Kim Jong Il aftermath in North Korea.  Underlined text below does not appear in the Global Times’ English language version of the piece.    中国是朝鲜平稳过渡的可靠后盾 / China is North Korea’s Reliable Support for Smooth Transition 朝鲜最高领导人金正日突然去世,中国迅速表示哀悼。这是东北亚的重要事件,无论朝鲜如何度过权力交替期,一些国家都会把这当成改变地区战略格局的契机,朝鲜的稳定和地区战略稳定都面临考验。中国此时的态度很重要。中国须坚决、明确地维护朝鲜的独立自主,保障朝鲜的权力过渡不受外部的干扰,保障朝鲜选择国家道路的自由。North Korea’s highest leader Kim […]

Surveying the Post-Kim Jong Il Landscape from Beijing: Sources

By | December 19, 2011

About an hour ago at noon Pyongyang time, Korean Central News Agency reported that Kim Jong Il had died yesterday morning in his train “from overwork.” A Chinese reporter, Zhao Shuguang [赵曙光], who described in earlier reports the North Korea leader’s desire to make it to age 70 in the year 2012, and who has also been […]

Socialist Upswing in Pyongyang

By | December 04, 2011

D.W. Feldman, the KCNA Coordinator for this blog, has compiled Socialism is a Science Editorials and Reportage Juche100, a group of essays which fairly swashbuckle rhetorically into a discussion of the declining West and the justice of Korean socialism, with particular reference to the Occupy Wall Street movement.  

Web Resources for Ji’an, PRC

By | April 08, 2011

Ji’an is best known as the site of some very important Koguryo tombs.  In the modern era, it was a major pipeline for Chinese military intervention into the Korean War in 1950 and is an important node in the event that China would wish to intervene again in Korea. You can find Ji’an here on […]

Links for July 26, 2010

By | July 26, 2010

North Korean Bluster National Defense Commission is in the driver’s seat in Pyongyang with another explicit nuclear threat http://tinyurl.com/25qmf66 Pyongyang alleges US is openly talking about “preemptive nuclear strike” on North Korea http://tinyurl.com/33qzn9w The Cheonan effect: war preparations centralize power in the Nat’l Defense Commission//NK much directly threatens nuclear retaliation for US-ROK drill in this […]

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