Framing Epistemic Communities in North Korea: From Fungus to Botanical Gardens

By | January 30, 2014

North Korean developmental praxis relies on epistemic communities and research institutions to achieve its goals. The country’s institutions are not only meta-devices for rolling out in reportage to add a veneer of intellectual legitimacy to centralized dictat, as Robert Winstanley-Chesters reveals in the case of Pyongyang Botanical Gardens.

Introducing Tongsin | 통신

By | January 24, 2014

Introducing Tongsin | 통신: data and analysis of the North Korean state media reports on the subject of China. This debut issue examines the North Korean emphasis on an independent and growing DPRK economy in the months preceding the Jang Song-taek purge.

End of an Era of Huge Profits: Mainland Businessmen Talk Sino-DPRK Border Trade

By | January 23, 2014

As interlocutors from both sides of the Sino-North Korea borderland trade attempt to find new footing, Chinese views of the business environment in the DPRK are more important than ever. Matthew Bates and Adam Cathcart translate, with photos from Mr. Bates.

Yongusil 25: Nicolas Levi and New DPRK Analysis from the Polish Academy of Sciences

By | January 22, 2014

Warsaw calling Pyongyang: this Yongusil reviews the recent output of Polish academic institutions and publications focused on East Asia—in particular that of Dr. Nicolas Levi.

Never on the Verge of War: The Birth of the Young Man Doctrine

By | January 18, 2014

“North Korea is not one man, and Kim Jong-un, while one man, is not North Korea,” argues Christopher Green in a monthly column for Groove Korea, a Seoul-based magazine aimed at the country’s burgeoning community of English-speaking expats.

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