Posts Tagged ‘Dandong’

Blind Legacy: Jang Sung-taek and North Korea’s Invisible Cross-Border Bridge

By | December 09, 2013

The bridge between Dandong and Sinuiju is pregnant with economic potential, nearly complete, and in a very real sense associated with newly unmasked “counter-revolutionary” Jang Sung-taek. Revisiting a recent essay for The Daily NK, Chief Editor Adam Cathcart investigates.

Torture and “Public Security”: Kim Young-hwan’s Captivity and Sino-ROK Relations

By | August 01, 2012

Brian Gleason deconstructs the case of one man whose treatment in captivity in Dandong dwells in an unpleasant recess in the façade of Sino-North Korean security cooperation. Intro by Adam Cathcart.

Rough Around the Edges: Christianity along the Sino-North Korean Border

By | July 17, 2012

Rough Around the Edges: Christianity along the Sino-North Korean Border by Jared Ward There is little debate that religion in China remains a socially and politically charged issue. Nowhere is this truer than amongst ethnic minority borderland populations in the PRC. In volatile areas such as Tibet, Xinjiang and, though less publicized, the Sino-North Korean […]

Integrated Reed Farms and SEZ’s: Revolutionary Landscape meets Economic Urgency, The Case of Sindo County

By | June 20, 2012

How does the land near the new China-North Korea bridge near Sinuiju represent the North Korean drive to reclaim tidelands? Robert Winstanley-Chesters explains.

Evaluation of the Development Plan for Hwanggumpyong Island and Wihwa Island

By | February 15, 2012

It would now be hard to find a single serious analyst who believes that Chinese aid is not central to keeping the DPRK afloat. But despite the huge influx of Chinese capital into North Korea, many Chinese investors continue to harbor serious doubts about the reliability of investments in North Korea. In this essay, Alan […]