Posts Tagged ‘Kim Jong-un’

Politics and Pollack: It Takes a Nation of Fishes

By | July 24, 2014

Bringing his Politics and Pollack series to a close, Robert Winstanley-Chesters explores the most recent pelagic developments in North Korea, focusing on the January 8 Fishing Station and the problematic notion of “charismatic time.”

Is He or Is He Not? Political Authority, Media Appearance, and the DPRK Leadership Question

By | May 20, 2014

Is Kim Jong-un merely a symbol? Pekka Korhohen, a visiting scholar at Kyoto University, reviews Kim Jong-un’s charismatic leadership in both theory and practice, engaging with assertions that North Korea is not actually ruled over by the Marshal.

Justifying Hereditary Succession in North Korea

By | March 09, 2014

Is the succession process to Kim Jong-un complete, or still very much in train? Sino-NK’s chief editor analyzes a recently-unearthed speech by the supreme leader.

Raising a Fiercer Wind: Meetings and Messages

By | February 12, 2014

Robert Winstanley-Chesters examines the scaling and rescaling of important political and narrative messages in 2014 and 1964, including the vital role played by group meetings at different institutional levels.

Yongusil 25: Nicolas Levi and New DPRK Analysis from the Polish Academy of Sciences

By | January 22, 2014

Warsaw calling Pyongyang: this Yongusil reviews the recent output of Polish academic institutions and publications focused on East Asia—in particular that of Dr. Nicolas Levi.