Posts Tagged ‘Steven Denney’

Bullet Trains and Wood-Burning Trucks

By and | May 01, 2014

In an effort to cut down travel time and spur economic growth, China is lacing high-speed rail throughout its northeastern provinces. Lessons abound for North Korea, as this essay from eastern Jilin indicates.

#Shigak no. 03: Cases of Sedition and Espionage and the Repatriation of Defectors

By | March 18, 2014

This issue of #Shigak pulls together annotated tweets on several high profile issues in or related to South Korea including the Lee Seok-ki sedition case, the Yu U-song spy trial, and the repatriation of North Korean defectors to South Korea from Canada.

Yongusil 27: “Polities in Motion” Conference at the University of Toronto

By | March 03, 2014

The University of Toronto’s Comparative Politics Student Group (CPSG) on East Asia, in collaboration with other University of Toronto-based groups, host an Academic Exchange seminar at the Munk School of Global Affairs entitled “Polities in Motion: Power Transfers, Institutional Change and Everyday Politics in East Asia.” Participants include many from the Sino-NK community.

#Shigak no. 2: Comfort Women Issues and Ahn Cheol-soo’s New Political Party

By | February 25, 2014

The South Korean nation has entered a new era. The prominence of defector resettlements and the treatment of foreign workers in media reports indicate as much. These topics are the central focus of this issue of #Shigak.

Yongusil 26: Culture Changes in Post-Industrial South Korea

By | February 21, 2014

Steven Denney, utilizing WVS surveys and political socialization theory, addresses cultural change in a Post-Industrial South Korea at the 17th Harvard East Asian Studies Conference.