Sino-DPRK Relations

A Roundtable Review of Charles Armstrong’s Tyranny of the Weak: North Korea and the World, 1950-1992 (updated)

By | October 03, 2013

What does Sino-NK think about the history of the DPRK? Collect a myriad of opinions and perspectives in Sino-NK’s roundtable review of Charles Armstrong’s latest book, Tryanny of the Weak: North Korea and the World, 1950-1992. Introduction by Benjamin R. Young.

China’s Evolving Relationship with North Korea: Talks at IISS and RUSI, London

By | July 31, 2013

The Chinese Communist Party finds itself vexed by North Korea. Two Sino-NK analysts delve into Beijing’s policy choices in presentations at premiere London think tanks.

Plus ça change: Getting China to Enforce Sanctions on North Korea

By | July 21, 2013

Maybe China is now talking the talk on enforcing sanctions resolutions against North Korea, but is it walking the walk? In a new piece taken from the Yonsei Journal of International Studies, analysts Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga and Jenny Jun address the thorny topic of Chinese enforcement of a sanctions system that it willingly signed up to.

Salvaging a Misstep? Vice Marshal Choe Ryong-hae in Beijing

By | June 05, 2013

V.Mar Choe Ryong-hae managed to press the CPC flesh in Beijing just before the Xi-Obama summit in California at the end of this week. Following on from his timely May 23 analysis of Choe’s trip as it was happening, Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga analyzes the fallout.

Rhetorical Arsenal or Honest Rapprochement: China’s Taiwan Policy and Korean Reunification

By | May 27, 2013

Writing from Kaohsiong, Mycal Ford examines the complications and lessons of Taiwan-mainland ties for Korean reunification.