Author Archive
Peacemaker or Political Hostage? Prospects for the Moscow-Busan “Iron Silk Road Express”
The promise of profit and increased political stability in Northeast Asia are attractive to Moscow and Seoul, but do the potential benefits of the “Iron Silk Road Express” outweigh the risks that come with investing in North Korea? Sabine van Ameijden evaluates.
China’s Evolving Relationship with North Korea: Talks at IISS and RUSI, London
The Chinese Communist Party finds itself vexed by North Korea. Two Sino-NK analysts delve into Beijing’s policy choices in presentations at premiere London think tanks.
Editor’s Note: Oxford-Seoul Nexus–Sino-NK at Engage Korea and Asan Plenum
Scholarship and debate are at the core of the Sino-NK enterprise. Sabine van Ameijden, the group’s Research Coordinator, brings out several abstracts given by our writers at recent conferences.
Beijing’s German Shepherd? Why China Will Not Abandon North Korea
In an op-ed for the NRC Handelsblad, analyst Sabine van Ameijden argues that North Korea is not a rogue state, but remains a faithful Chinese ally in the Asia-Pacific.
Hubs for Radical Change? North Korea’s SEZs under Kim Jong-un
How can we measure if the North Korean economy is undergoing reform? Watch the country’s six Special Economic Zones, via Sabine van Ameijden’s overview of SEZ change and stagnation.