Posts Tagged ‘Darcie Draudt’

Southern Teletubbies vs. Northern War Songs: Korean Media Dualities

By | March 20, 2013

Is South Korea a safe place today? It is safe enough for a TV show where Teletubbies talk politics, even as war songs thunder out of Pyongyang.

Ri Sol-ju, Conspicuous Wealth, and the “Military Wife” Type in the DPRK

By | December 12, 2012

SinoNK’s analyst for gender issues, Darcie Draudt, takes a look at Ri Sol-ju as part of a class of women who are doing increasingly well, thanks to their connections. Is such upward mobility to be emulated or despised?

Beautiful Defectors, Part II. Everyday Fashion as Political: Blending into the South Korean Middle Class

By | August 10, 2012

Darcie Draudt and Brian Gleason dig deeper into the issue of identity as revealed in a new South Korean variety show that stars female North Korean defectors.

Beautiful Defectors: An Exploration of South Korea’s “Now on My Way to Meet You”

By | August 03, 2012

The show “Now on My Way to Meet You” combines comedy and commentary as a way to tap into the South Korean collective conscious and “introduce” the lives of defectors to the public at-large.