New Threads
SinoNK editor Adam Cathcart has a dispatch up at Foreign Policy;
A few recent rumors from Pyongyang are relayed via translation from the Chinese media;
And China has to deny reports that it sent PLA troops into North Korea to help with vague notions of stability.
China’s Tumen River cities Tumen and Hunchun now barring foreign reporters from visiting the China-North Korea border.
Thanks, Spelunker! And appreciated your earlier comment as well. Hope you are enjoying the NBA season as much as I am, although I know you are a football guy.
Seems that North Hamgyong border area is always a bit more dicey.
This step also good be taken in order to prevent our friends in the KPA from grabbing another foreign reporter in the hopes of having Kim Jong Un’s first tete-a-tete with a foreign leader be with Hillary Clinton in town to collect, say, Nick Kristof who somehow ran afoul from one of his many quests to rescue sex workers. Of course, something tells me we won’t see Kristof anywhere near that border, and hopefully Current TV learned its lessons, although you never know. Maybe the other Ling sister wants to give another go to “Inside the Secret State.”