Chinese Doctors and North Korea: Reviewing the Pattern
A Reuters report on Chinese doctors treating North Korean leader Kim Jong-un spurs Adam Cathcart to deeper investigation of party-to-party medical relations.
SEZ Revival Tour? Kim Jong-un in Dandong
Coverage of Kim Jong-un’s first diplomatic outing of 2019 yields little information on who Kim met in Dandong en route for Beijing. Since the border city is where the rubber of bilateral policy meets the road, it deserves more attention. Adam Cathcart does the honors.
The New Normal: Liu Yunshan in Pyongyang
Sino-NK analyses officially-depicted meetings of a high-level Chinese delegation in Pyongyang, placing emphasis on the role of North Korean interlocutors.
Does a New Ambassador Mean a “Reset” In China-North Korea Relations?
With a deep dive into Beijing’s internal bureaucratic politics and Li Jinjun’s predecessors in Pyongyang, Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga sheds light on China’s evolving stance toward North Korea.
“Parties with Different Ideologies:” China’s New Ambassador to North Korea
The appointment of a new Chinese Ambassador to Pyongyang, Li Jinjun, will serve as both a Rohrschach test and a means of ascertaining where China thinks things might go, argues Simone van Nieuwenhuizen.