Author Archive

Strategy for the Successful Development of the North Korean Minerals Sector

By | March 01, 2012

The DPRK is quite literally sitting on a goldmine, and is endowed with considerable mineral resources. The successful exploitation of this mineral wealth has not yet been realized, but a number of international firms–including Chinese and South Korean–are actively courting the North Korean government. Alan Ferrie, an international economics analyst based in Puget Sound, Washington, […]

Introduction to North Korea’s Rason Economic Trade Zone

By | February 02, 2012

Will Rason, the DPRK’s bold experiment to attract foreign investment and introduce a sliver of market oriented reforms, go boom or bust? North Korea has toyed with special economic zones in areas along the Chinese border in the past, but the results have never been transformative or even economically significant—there is still no North Korean […]