Author Archive
Yongusil 91: New Frontiers in Korean Studies
The new Institute for Korean Studies at the George Washington University recently hosted a workshop for young researchers, “New Frontiers in Korean Studies: Korea and the World.” 10 young scholars presented their work, each pursuing new directions in understanding Korean history, politics, and society.
THAAD and the Politicization of Missile Defense in South Korea
THAAD is a hot issue in South Korea today. There is conflict over the safety of the system, as well as popular anger at the government’s failure to consult the public at either the local or national level prior to announcing THAAD deployment. This has reinvigorated concerns over the relationship between democracy and the core tenets of the US-ROK alliance. Darcie Draudt investigates.
Yongusil 79: Market Size and Geography in North Korea
A new SAIS report uses satellite imagery to measure North Korean market sizes as they have fluctuated over the past decade. Sino-NK goes into orbit behind the oculus, assessing gains and limitations of the data.
South Korea’s Evolving Immigration Policy and National Identity Reflection
Rapid demographic changes in South Korea have changed the cultural and ethnic makeup of the nation. While official government discourse is optimistic, a closer look at peoples’ actual opinions paints a different picture. Darcie Draudt translates.
The Real South-South Conflict Deepens
When Korea analysts talk about “South-South” conflict, readers envision internecine political clashes driven by the plots and plans of the Korean Workers’ Party. However, these days South Korean society is beset by enough divisive issues of its own, as Darcie Draudt notes in her latest translation.