Chinese Foreign Relations
The Rhetorical Politics of Ending the Korean War: Eisenhower, Dulles and Mao’s China
In this essay, Rory de Mellow examines the reconceptualisation of US foreign policy during and after the Korean War.
UK-Japan Relations, Taiwan Troubles, and the Truss Tokyo Speech
A speech by failed Prime Minister Liz Truss has received ample news coverage. But what does it tell us about the UK’s friends and entanglements in East Asia?
Aura of Criminality: Perspectives of Empire in Japan’s East Asian Conquests, 1932-1945
In the second part of this series, Jessica Pitcher examines the relationship between Japanese imperial authorities in China and the practice of narcotics trafficking, which “weakened” the inhabitants of the occupied territories while filling government coffers in Manchukuo.
Telegraphing Conflict in the Taiwan Strait: South Korea and the Xi Jinping Factor
In light of the war in Ukraine, Sino-NK rounds up a range of academic papers, reports, and think pieces on Xi Jinping and Taiwan, with special interest in South Korean perspectives.
Narcotics, Smuggling and Sex: Perspectives of Empire in Japan’s East Asian Conquests, 1932-1945, Part One
Empires are often described in grand and abstract terms, but they are also an everyday phenomenon, where the authority of the colonizing state is impressed upon its subjects in myriad ways. Here, Jessica Pitcher examines the role of sex trafficking in the everyday conception of the Japanese empire in Korea.