Collapse Scenarios
Beyond OPLAN 5027: Chinese Planning for Disaster Scenarios on the North Korean Frontier
One of Japan’s great regional security muckrackers, Keiji Minemura, elaborates at length in the Asahi Shimbun (English) on the notion of Chinese military planning for crisis on the Korean peninsula. The Dong-A Ilbo in Seoul compresses Minemura’s report into a spine-straightening headline: “China Can Enter Pyongyang in Two Hours in Case of Emergency.” Clearly the […]
DPRK Nuclear Safety: China’s Paramount Concern on the Frontier?
Chico Harlan, the Washington Post correspondent in Seoul, spent some time this past November in a “nuclear ghost town” on the northeast coast of Japan. (A narrated video of his journey is available here, well worth the short advertisment that precedes it.) On January 6, Harlan reported on how rumors in Seoul of a North […]
Two Chinese Visions of Post-Kim Jong Il North Korea: Translations
A much more extensive Sino-NK Document Dossier is in the works, gathering up a number of sources in translation for a more comprehensive look at Chinese views of the North Korean transition, but in the meantime two translated editorials will suffice: 1. Sun Xingsong [孙兴杰] “Severe Challenges Facing the Kim Jong Eun Era [金正恩时代面临重重挑战],” Huanqiu […]
Kim Jong Il Supine, the Opining Commences: Two Doomsday Op-Eds
Given that, according to Chinese reporters, the mad dash to build apartments in Pyongyang in time for 2012 has hardly slackened on account of Kim Jong Il’s death, the immense Huichon Dam in North Korea might also still be under construction today. But to many commentators outside of East Asia, the dam has already broken: […]