DPRK Foreign Relations

Frozen Spring: Sino-Korean Diplomacy in 2022

By | May 07, 2022

Will 2022 bring more extensive diplomacy between China and the Koreas, or a new round of disputes and disconnections? This short essay reviews the terrain.

North Korea and Coronavirus: International Relations and Local Data from Dandong

By | September 21, 2021

Adam Cathcart reads some local public health data point from Dandong, and in the process surveys the vaccination landscape faced by a highly reluctant North Korea.

Brazil and Mexico’s Relations with North Korea

By | September 24, 2020

Sino-NK has looked at the roots of Brazil’s engagement with the Korean War armistice, with a nod to the 50,000 Koreans resident in the country. In this essay, Anthony Rinna looks back to 2017, when Brazil and Mexico showed a notable contrast in their approaches to the DPRK.

Power and the Periphery: The North Korea Factor in Sino-American Relations

By | July 09, 2020

North Korea is a constant feature, albeit an inconsistent one, in various aspects of China’s relations with the US. Anthony Rinna provides a reminder.

Chinese Doctors and North Korea: Reviewing the Pattern

By | April 27, 2020

A Reuters report on Chinese doctors treating North Korean leader Kim Jong-un spurs Adam Cathcart to deeper investigation of party-to-party medical relations.