Shin Dong-hyuk: Finally Poised For Effective Activism
Personal narratives are co-created by teller and receiver, and each is mutually responsible for the outcomes. According to Eric Foley, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs Korea, Shin Dong-hyuk’s extraordinary life story is like any co-created narrative, and only by taking a different stance toward it can we arrive at an honest accounting.
Chinese Media on Trilateral Espionage Tangle in Dandong
Is the case being brought against two Canadian entrepreneurs in the border city of Dandong about North Korean missionary activity, or a larger conflict between China and its other North American rival?
A Pragmatic Approach to Collapsing the Regime: A Critique
In a June 16 op-ed in the New York Times, Sue Mi Terry promoted expediting the end of the North Korean regime. The piece energized analyst Michael Bassett to respond.
Outward Migration Flows in the Event of Regime Collapse: an Interview with Dr. Go Myong-hyun
In the event of regime collapse in North Korea, where would North Korean refugees go? How many would there be? Following the “North Korea Conference” at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Darcie Draudt caught up with Asan Institute research fellow Dr. Go Myong-hyun for answers to these questions and more.
Yongusil 10: Adam Cathcart interviews Blaine Harden in the Yonsei Journal of International Studies: “In Need of an Icon” (full version)
Brutality and autocracy seem to build industries against themselves in our contemporary age. Here the Yongusil presents Adam Cathcart’s interesting and engaging interview with the author of a potentially iconic text, one which will frame North Korea and Kimism in the public mind for many years, Blaine Harden author of “Escape from Camp 14.”