Author Archive

Packaged and Controlled by the Masculine State: Moranbong Band and Gender in New Chosun-Style Performance

By and | May 03, 2013

Darcie Draudt and Jimin Lee provide analysis of the Moranbong Band, plowing into the debate over gender, reform, and the future of North Korea.

Moranbong Band: Joseon Style Electronic Music on a New Level

By | April 08, 2013

Sino-NK’s Performing Arts Analyst Jimin Lee examines the Moranbong Band’s debut “Demonstration Concert” through the lens of its own name—that is, as a demonstration of its potential to act as bridge to the world with its “New Joseon Style” of pop musical performance.

Technology Linking: The DPRK’s “Quiet Opening”

By | October 26, 2012

Jimin Lee unfolds more sanction-busting tactics bringing the North Korean television scene up to date from Beijing. Intro by Roger Cavazos.

Visual Representations of North Korea: Harm or Benefit?

By | July 09, 2012

Jimin Lee looks into satirical artistic treatments and cinematic depictions of the DPRK.

Putting the Mass in Performance: Reflections on the Re-initiation of Arirang Season

By | June 08, 2012 Putting the Mass in Performance: Reflections on the Re-initiation of Arirang Season by Jimin Lee A few years ago, there was a viral video showing a North Korean student playing a xylophone with remarkable accuracy.  The child’s performance was so precise in every move and expression that it surprised many. This type of precision […]