Economic Policy
His “Other” Legacy: Kenneth Waltz’s Defense of Nuclear Proliferation
How will Kenneth Waltz be remembered? As far as North Korea is concerned, Waltz’s legacy is all it needs to justify its possession of nuclear weapons, argues Steven Denney.
Red Box, Blue Box, Green Box: Arguing against Institutional Pluralism
Christopher Green examines the durability, and the deficiencies, of the “post-totalitarian” thesis for the DPRK, and furthers the quest for a developmental understanding of North Korea.
From Doha to Pyongyang: DPRK Progress and Development within the UNFCCC Framework
Robert Winstanley-Chesters wonders how much money the DPRK can make from carbon credits, and concludes that the answer is “not much.” At least, not yet.
Hubs for Radical Change? North Korea’s SEZs under Kim Jong-un
How can we measure if the North Korean economy is undergoing reform? Watch the country’s six Special Economic Zones, via Sabine van Ameijden’s overview of SEZ change and stagnation.
Ri Sol-ju, Conspicuous Wealth, and the “Military Wife” Type in the DPRK
SinoNK’s analyst for gender issues, Darcie Draudt, takes a look at Ri Sol-ju as part of a class of women who are doing increasingly well, thanks to their connections. Is such upward mobility to be emulated or despised?