Previously Uncategorized
Skiing in Choppy Waters: North Korea Lays Out the Pyeongchang Hustle
The North Korean Army is building a ski resort at Masik Pass. Christopher Green explains the significance and possible reasons behind North Korea’s decision to “go for the gold.”
Packaged and Controlled by the Masculine State: Moranbong Band and Gender in New Chosun-Style Performance
Darcie Draudt and Jimin Lee provide analysis of the Moranbong Band, plowing into the debate over gender, reform, and the future of North Korea.
Mobilizing Human Rights Infrastructure in 24 Languages: Interview with Blaine Harden
A young man named Shin Dong-hyuk stands at the forefront of a cultural shift that is changing the way the world perceives, and divides, North Korea the state and North Korea the people. In the first part of an outstanding new interview, Blaine Harden, the author of Shin’s story, speaks to Adam Cathcart about what it all means in part one of a three-part series.
Knives, Lassoes, and Accordions: A Chinese Traditionalist View of the Korean Peninsula
Ding Gang’s recent skepticism about American intentions around the Korean peninsula is the subject of a short investigation by Mycal Ford.
From Penn State to Pyongyang: The Trans-Pacific Political Geography of Grass
Robert Winstanley-Chesters raises the curious and symbolic topic of grass, drawing a line all the way from Penn State to the manicured lawns of North Korea.