Collapse Scenarios
“Red Lines” and North Korea Metaphors at the National People’s Congress in Beijing
On Saturday, Chinese Foreign Minister expressed his country’s “red line” for the Korean peninsula. But as Adam Cathcart explains, there are a few other metaphors in play.
PLA General on “Incalculable Damage” of North Korea’s Nuclear Program
If China begins to see itself as the primary victim of North Korea’s nuclear research, then a more confrontational approach toward Pyongyang becomes possible, reveals a new translation by Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga.
Outward Migration Flows in the Event of Regime Collapse: an Interview with Dr. Go Myong-hyun
In the event of regime collapse in North Korea, where would North Korean refugees go? How many would there be? Following the “North Korea Conference” at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Darcie Draudt caught up with Asan Institute research fellow Dr. Go Myong-hyun for answers to these questions and more.
All Eyes on North Korea: Excavating Twitter Responses to North Korea
In the new age of academia, 140-characters can drive discourse, argues Mycal Ford in a piece about the scholarly dialogue on North Korea taking place on Twitter. In this essay, Ford mines the Twitter feeds of five high profile North Korea-watchers.
Camp 22 and Camp 14: Barbed Signposts for the New Kim Era
This essay by Christopher Green covers the alleged closure of Camp 22, dissects news that Camp 14 is expanding, and casts doubt upon Kim Jong-un’s approach to human rights in North Korea.